Advanced Composite Structures logos over the 30 years of operation

📰 Over 30 years ago Advanced Composite Structures Australia began its journey as a Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), having transitioned in 2010 to the commercial operation it is today.​

The recently released report from Cooperative Research Australia highlights the success of the long-running CRC programs dedicated to researching solutions to Australia’s economic, environmental and social challenges, bridging the gap between new technology and its adoption by industry partners.​

CRC-ACS helped its partners make substantial contributions to the Australian economy, with one partnership alone contributing more than $1 billion to Australia’s GDP.​

See pp.29-30 detailing the work of our team during the CRC program in the impact evaluation report: 

ACS Australia is still active in leveraging the benefits of CRCs through our involvement with the BE CRC and recently launched SoMAC CRC – to learn more about our involvement please contact us!

CRC-AS (Aerospace Structures) Logo from 1991 to 1997
CRC-AS (Aerospace Structures) Logo from 1991 to 1997
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