The Advanced Composite Structures Australia team is grateful for the exceptional support our engineering interns, Kai, Nic, and Shevaan have contributed to key Defence projects during their Defence Industry Internship Placement (DIIP) 2023/2024. They have …
ACS Australia awarded Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority Grant for Ultra-High Temperature Composites
Advanced Composite Structures Australia (ACS Australia) has been awarded a Federal Government Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority (SICP) grant to assist in the funding of a new …
Tony Carolan joins the board of ACS Australia to support strategic manufacturing growth plans
Tony Carolan was appointed to the ACS Australia Board, effective Friday 1 December 2023. Tony brings decades of advanced manufacturing experience, with a career spanning the breadth of aerospace and mechanical engineering fields. …
MoorPower™ Scaled Demonstrator Deployed and Operating
Friday 19 January 2024 🌊 The MoorPower™ Scaled Demonstrator is now being put to the test and operating offshore in the waters of North Fremantle, Western Australia. A significant milestone for Carnegie Clean …
ACS Australia proud partner on the Ghost Shark project
🤝 Advanced Composite Structures Australia | ACS-A is proud to be partnering with Anduril Industries, Royal Australian Navy and Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) on the Ghost Shark project. To see a …