Robust Salmon Feed Delivery Systems Project Launch

The Robust Salmon Feed Delivery Systems Project is officially underway this month. ACS Australia is the lead design and manufacturing participant of this Blue Economy CRC project; furthermore, our principal engineer Rowan Paton is project leader.

Watch the following short video below to learn more about the feed delivery system project:

For salmon aquaculture, fish feed is a significant cost to operations. Salmon fish are fed regularly at critical intervals, using remote feeding control systems. As aquaculture moves further offshore into more exposed sites, feed delivery systems will need to be reliable and prevent any interruptions to avoid missed growth in fish.

To enable use of more exposed offshore sites, ACS Australia in partnership with the Blue Economy CRC, Tassal Group, University of Tasmania, Griffith University, Pacific Engineering Systems International will design and manufacture more robust feed pipes for salmon aquaculture.​

Salmon Feed System Operations Team in Control Room (image courtesy of Tassal Group)
Aquaculture Operations Team in Control Room (image courtesy of Tassal Group)

​The project will be carried out over 3.5 years, and will improve the robustness of feed pipe systems in hydrodynamically-energetic sites, as well as develop systems for future more exposed offshore sites.

Feed Deliver System in Tasmania (image courtesy of Tassal Group)
Feed Delivery System in Tasmania (image courtesy of Tassal Group)

“Improving the robustness of feed delivery systems will help reduce costs and enable operation of fish farms in more energetic environments. This is a win-win for industry sustainability and the blue economy.”

Rowan Paton, Principal Engineer at ACS Australia
Salmon Feed Delivery System Monitoring (image courtesy of Tassal Group)

To learn more about the project brief and for further details please follow this link:

The Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) is established and supported under the Australian Government’s CRC Program, grant number CRC-20180101. The CRC Program supports industry-led collaborations between industry, researchers and the community. Further information about the CRC Program is available at

The team at ACS Australia is always happy to answer questions you may have about the project and the work we do – please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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